
Remembering Morganna "The Kissing Bandit"

anonymous  asked:
Before the world series tonight, how about some Morganna The Kissing Bandit?

By special request, we remember Morganna Roberts “The Kissing Bandit.”

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Morganna was the buxom babe of baseball who famously rushed the field at major league baseball games to steal kisses from up to 50 athletes in front of thousands of spectators. The media branded her Morganna, “The Kissing Bandit,” and she quickly became a celebrity in her own right, winning endorsement deals, film, television and magazine appearances.

Despite her willingness to flaunt her 60-inch chest and embrace her own celebrity with late-night show appearances and news stories, Morganna kept her own life incredibly private. To this day, the line between fact and fiction is blurred, making Morganna ever more fascinating.

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She appeared in Playboy magazine, in the June 1983, April 1985, and September 1989 issues.

According to the little information we have, Morganna had it pretty rough. She was allegedly disowned by her mother as a baby and as a young girl, tried to become a nun but then ran away from the school at thirteen. She lived on the street, eating out of garbage cans, begging shop owners for a job without success because she was too young to get a work permit. Eventually she found a job dancing at a strip club, pretending she was 18 years old. She was still just thirteen.

Fast-forward to her career as “the Kissing Bandit” and she was earning as much as $7,000 to $10,000 a week.

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Pia Sorenson / Penthouse Magazine / 1974

Pia Sorenson / Penthouse Magazine / 1974

Penelope Owen / Club Internationa Magazine / 1976

Penelope Owen / Club Internationa Magazine / 1976

The World Series of Retro Porn

anonymous  asked:
What about something for the world series?

Getting ready for game seven!

Flaccid Penis

anonymous asked: 
Guys with average to smaller size penises

How about some flaccid penises?