Vintage German magazine, Das Da Foto-Mädchen, 1979.
Read MoreFoto-Mädchen / Das Da Magazine / 1979

minsocal asked:
Susan Nero?
Extremely busty and shapely brunette knockout Susan Nero grew up in a very strict middle-class Jewish family and was a varsity cheerleader in high school. Nero moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1976 and began her career in the adult entertainment industry working as a stripper in local clubs. Susan started doing hardcore loops and subsequently branched out to explicit X-rated features in the late 1970’s. Outside of appearing in a slew of hardcore movies, Nero also did pictorials for such adult publications as Gent, Adam Choice, Big Boobs, Cinema-X Review, and Adult Cinema Review. She retired from the adult entertainment industry in the mid-1990’s.
nortontheneedle asked:
Maybe some lovely Mandi Wine??? She is hard to find and gorgeous.
Here is a rare appearance of redhead Mandi Wine in New Cunts Magazine No.57.