Camella Donner / Das Da Magazine / 1979

Camella Donner / Das Da Magazine / 1979

Oldschool black model Camella Donner in Das Da Magazine, 1979.

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Heather Van Every / Playboy Magazine / 1971

Heather Van Every / Playboy Magazine / 1971

Heather Van Every, Playboy Magazine, 1971.

Many Playmates proclaim a laid-back-approach to life, but few have appeared as genuine about it as Heather Van Every. A Bunny at Denver’s Playboy Club—a job she described as “less like working than being a hostess at a party”—Heather was 19 when she posed for Playboy. Yet the cycling enthusiast and avid skier preferred relishing Colorado’s outdoors to bagging more modeling gigs. “I really like to get away and just sit. Not to think about anything in particular, just to relax in the mountain air.” Call it a beautiful marriage of athleticism and idleness. “I’m not one of those people who are always in motion, always doing something or planning something,” she said. “I guess some people would say I’m lazy, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
—Playboy Magazine

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18 Rare Photos of Swedish Sexploitation Starlet Christina Lindberg

anonymous  asked:
Can you post some Christina Lindberg?! I really Love her... Besides nice tumblr!

Thank you!

Perhaps no other single woman better personifies the spirit of this blog than Christina Lindberg. 

Christina Lindberg 00.jpg

When we first started Retro-Fucking, we posted tons of photos and GIFs of the swedish sexploitation starlet. Recently tumblr ruthlessly deleted that first blog. So we appreciate your patience while we give her proper representation here once again :) But until then, we thought we’d post here some of the more singular bits and pieces we’ve come across. Enjoy! Thanks for following. —Retro-Fucking