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anonymous asked: How about the girls featured on the covers of Roxy Music albums? Lots of iconic pictures. Amanda Lear and Marilyn Cole posed naked during the 70s, IIRC.
Cornwall-born Kari-Ann Muller was a former Bond girl (she appeared in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service) paid a scant £20 to appear on the cover of Roxy Music – a steal for the then unknown band, whose debut album would go on to define 70s art-rock. Evoking classic glamour shoots of the 40s and 50s, the Roxy Music artwork set the template for all future Roxy Music album covers, though Muller would retire from modelling in order to become a yoga teacher. She retains ties to the rock world, however, as she married Chris Jagger, whose brother has fronted a popular beat combo since the 60s.
By the time she met Bryan Ferry, Amanda Lear had both dated Brian Jones (inspiring The Rolling Stones’ 1967 song ‘Miss Amanda Jones’) and served as muse and confidante for Salvador Dalí. A brief romance with Ferry coincided with her being pictured on the front of For Your Pleasure, holding a panther on a leash. (The photo shoot took place in South London, with a panther so sedated on Valium that it couldn’t move; its eyes and teeth had to be added to the image in post-production.) Yet, despite posing for Playboy in 1977, rumors that Lear was born in France as Alain Tapp, a male-born transsexual, have persisted throughout the decades.
Another Playboy star to enjoy a romantic dalliance with Bryan Ferry, Marilyn Cole caught the Roxy Music frontman’s eye when she was crowned Playmate Of The Month in January 1972, subsequently finding herself adorning the Stranded album cover. Latterly a journalist, Cole now writes about professional boxing, among other subjects.
A similar pose but this time for Playboy magazine.
Constanze Karoli and Eveline Grunwald were two German Roxy Music fans who met the singer in a bar in Portugal, where Ferry had decamped to write lyrics for the album, they also helped him translate a portion of the song ‘Bitter-Sweet’ into German. Arguably the most controversial of the Roxy Music album covers, the Country Life artwork proved too racy for the US market, which issued the album with a picture of the foliage, sans models.
Supermodel Jerry Hall posed as a mermaid for the cover of their fifth studio album. Ever the charmer, Bryan Ferry is said to have held an umbrella over Hall during the shoot, to ensure that her blue body paint did not wash off. Smitten, Hall was engaged to Ferry by early 1976, though she would leave him the following year for Mick Jagger, subsequently inspiring the Stones’ song, ‘Miss You’, and becoming the third Roxy Music album covers model to connect the band to Jagger and co.
Roxy Music went for gold with Flesh + Blood, which hit the top spot in the UK charts in June 1980. The models, staged to look like high-school athletes competing in a sports day javelin contest, were picked and photographed by Peter Saville, best known for his design for work for Factory Records. The models featured are from front to back Aimee Stephenson & Shelley Mann & Roslyn Bolton.