
Cunnilingus GIF / Desiree West / Sexsations / 1984

Topless Archer Diane Curtis

Topless Archer Diane Curtis

French Maids Francisca & Josefina / Louise London / Club Magazine [Brazil] / 1982

French Maids Francisca & Josefina / Louise London / Club Magazine [Brazil] / 1982

Anita: Swedish Nymphet / 1973

Description: Anita is a teenage girl, and while she has developed early physically, to a mature woman, she is psychologically completely ruthless. Her relationship the her parents and her friends is very poor and she is regarded with contempt by the people around her, even by the men who so ruthlessly use her. During her troubles she meets Erik, a young psychology student. Gently and carefully he begins to dispell her psychological blocks. In the course of this treatment she reveals to him some of the shocking espisodes of her previous experience and how an inner compulsion forces her into humiliating debauchery in dangerous environments. Erik believes he has the solution to Anita’s problems: to let her move into an artist’s communal experiment, of which he is already a member. The common interest of this collective is largely the performing of classical music. Anita’s presence in the collective, however, is regarded by some of the other girls as highly provocative.

Year: 1973
Country: Sweden / France
Genre: Drama, Erotic
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Swedish
Subtitles: English

Director: Torgny Wickman
Studio: Alpha France, Swedish Film Production (SFP)

Starring: Christina Lindberg, Stellan Skarsgard, Daniele Vlaminck, Michel David, Erika Wickman, Ewert Granholm, Arne Ragneborn, Per Mattsson, Jorgen Barwe, Jan-Olof Rydqvist, Thore Segelstrom, Berit Agedal

Anal Sex / Misty Dawn & Ron Jeremy

Anal Sex / Misty Dawn & Ron Jeremy

Moni / Club Magaazine [Brazil] / 1983

Moni / Club Magaazine [Brazil] / 1983

Olivia Flores / Chick Magazine / 1974

Olivia Flores / Chick Magazine / 1974

Between The Fold / Laurie Noel / Club Magazine [Brazil] / 1982

Between The Fold / Laurie Noel / Club Magazine [Brazil] / 1982

Beach Lesbians / La Coppia Moderna / 1974

Beach Lesbians / La Coppia Moderna / 1974