What happened to 90's Porn Star Lori Michaels? — Retro-Fucking

What happened to 90's Porn Star Lori Michaels?

anonymous  asked:

I know you do vintage 60-80's porn but i have a question about an adult actress from the 90's. Her name is Lori Michaels. There are two rumors about her. One, she died and two she quit the biz because of a stalker and has never been heard from again. I would love to know what really happened to her. By the way your site is awesome and i love the history you provide.

Lori Michaels (b. September 8, 1968? or 1972?), was an American porn star active in the industry from 1995 to 2001. She is listed as being retired. The rumors are that she died of a heart defect in May of 2007 or that she intentionally faked her own death because she was trying to settle into retired life and had stalkers. If she is still out there, we hope her fans are respecting her privacy and that she is happy and healthy!

“I was born in California and moved to Texas when I was a little girl. My mother and father split up when I was in the eighth grade and I was I was basically on my own after that. I did the things that all young people do. Worked at Burger King, McDonalds and waitressed at IHOP. I had a boyfriend when I was 16. He was into religion big-time, but would love to slap me around when he got mad. I dated him for about a year. That was actually the only boyfriend I ever had. 

How did I get into the adult industry? I knew someone who was going to California, and I asked them if I could ride along so that I could visit my relatives. I was supposed to meet him near Venice Beach for the ride home. That’s where I met Stephen Hicks. He saw me and asked if I would like to shoot for Penthouse. I didn’t really say anything at the time, but when I got home I called and said okay. They flew me back out to LA a month later and shot me for Penthouse. The magazines started happening from there. Thats when I started dancing. I learned to dance at a little club in Texas, and then went on the road doing Penthouse features all over the US and Canada. I kept shooting for all of the magazines, and things started happening.”