
peeing fetish

Happy Holidays aka Betty et Berta / 1978

Description: Claudia Mehringer is seen in Trafalgar Square and then teasing her boyfriend in a bedroom. This leads to sex. She then takes a ferry to the continent and has sex with a man in her cabin. In Hamburg, she meets the Stiller family with whom she is staying and they are seen around the dinner table. She is then seen masturbating on her bed. The young sister of the family (Dorle Buchner) seems to apply for a job and has lesbian sex with an older blonde (XNK0583).

We then see the blonde daughter (Barbara Korneck) of the family she is staying with and having sex with a male to facial and a different brunette (Helen Thomas) visits a sex therapist with her boyfriend and then plays the submissive to a male, watched by an older man. Claudia returns to London and joins in an orgy which involves several performers who featured in Lasse Braun loops filmed in the UK in the 1970s such as the black girl, XNK0160, plus XNK0412 and XNK0413, on bgafd.

Alternative Titles:
Betty et Berta
La boutique del piacere

Year: 1978
Country: Germany
Genre: Classic
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Original

Director: Alan Vydra

Starring: Dorle Buchner, Nikitas Giannaras, Gerhard Hartig, Barbara Korneck, Claudia Mehringer, Claudia Nelson, Helen Thomas, Rolf Zigan

R.I.P. Donna Warner

headofwolf asked: Ok. How about my late friend Donna Warner? Northampton girl, popped up on Louis Theroux’s first adventure in porn!!?

Donna Warner passed away in 2017 on January 31st at age 44. 

Before her porn career, Donna used to dress punk-style, in basque, fish-net stockings, hot-pants and thigh-high boots. It took her around two hours and a whole large can of hairspray to get ready to go out. She also had pierced nipples. Donna had an exquisite singing voice and could imitate Kate Bush extremely well. She was also an expert nail-technician.


anonymous  asked:
How about some vintage scat/piss porn if available!?